Meditating Can Actually Change Your DNA

Meditation has tremendous positive benefits

A recent published study in the Cancer journal explained that the length of the telomeres, the part of the DNA that affects how the cells age, can be preserved through the practice of meditation.

Having a shorter length of telomeres can lead to diseases like diabetes, heart problems, cancer, etc. In addition, aerobic exercise, vegan diet, and stress management techniques can have an impact on the telomeres in cancer patients.

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Meditation is good for you. We don’t need to tell you that. The chorus of voices extolling the virtues of mindfulness is never-ending: It decreases stress. It helps you focus. It can even rewire your mental circuitry. But it’s not just your synapses that see the benefits: As it turns out, meditating can physically change your DNA.

In a recent study, the use of mindfulness meditation was shown to have an impact on certain types of DNA in breast cancer patients. Specifically, the length of telomeres—these are the tiny protective caps on the end of chromosomes—was physically altered as the result of this type of meditation.

This isn’t the first time that Buddhist-style mindfulness meditation has been linked to the molecular goings-on of our biological makeup. A December 2013 study from the University of Wisconson-Madison demonstrated that the DNA of subjects who meditated “showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.”

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